Friday, July 27, 2012

Bringing Literature to the Classroom... You Can Help!!

I am a first-year teacher in Grandview Heights City Schools, working as a Freshman English teacher in the high school. The woman I am replacing (for at least one year) was kind enough to give me plans and books from her last few years of teaching, and I have already implemented some of her work into my plans for the school year. But I wanted to put my own stamp on the year, showing that I am willing to try some new things and bring some different literature to all of my students.

This is where I need your help.

One of our units deals with "Coming of Age" and while there are some great, classic novels that would suit this unit just fine (and have done so in the past), I want to give my students something at least a little more modern in terms of time period and actions of the characters. So I am using The Perks of Being a Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky as the anchor text of the unit.

The problem with doing this is that, since it was not an anchor text in the past, there are only a few copies of the book in my classroom. The English Department budget is already stretched very thin, and it will be difficult for them to see reason that they should pump a bunch of money into a new guy who may only be in the building for a year. So between requesting the books at local libraries and buying them myself, I may have to reformulate my plans.

But then I hoped for some friends to help out.

Here's my plan: You buy the book -- whether it be used, new, whatever -- and get it to me somehow (if buying online, you can just have it shipped to me). A student will use the book in class during the course of the unit. When we finish with that particular unit, I will send the book back to you. I also will have the student(s) send you a review of the book, including things he or she liked or disliked about the book. Then you will have your own copy of the book with a little added bonus.

The students will be using Post-it notes to do their annotations, so there should be no new markings in the book. Hopefully this will also teach the freshmen a little bit about responsibility and how easy it is to borrow books from people, expanding their willingness to read on their own for pleasure. I am also willing to accept the books as donations, whether you buy them now or are just getting rid of an old copy that you no longer need.

If you can help with this effort, please feel free to contact me at I will get you an address and hash out any details. I appreciate any and all support in advance!! Below are some links to buy the book... the paperback version is more than sufficient.

This is an Amazon link to buy the book as NEW

And here's one to buy the book as USED

If you're a B&N person, here's an inclusive link for you